Jesse Cook News

US Concerts and PBS Fundraiser 2016

-US Winter Tour 2016-

Trevor took this shot of the Band in Vernon, British Columbia

The One World Album Tour brings Jesse on an extensive list of concerts throughout the US!  Click here to visit the tour-section for full details, or scroll all the way down and check out the upcoming dates below!

-PBS Pledge Drive-


You can get tickets and meet/greet passes for Jesse’s 2016 Spring US Tour by pledging to your local PBS affiliate!

Select stations are airing the exclusive Live at the Bathurst Street Theatre DVD while offering exceptional seats to upcoming area concerts as part of their pledge packages.

Watch the video below for a glimpse of the DVD:

Check your local listings for air-dates, click here for the official list of tour dates, and click on the image below to support PBA30 in Atlanta GA!


-Upcoming Tour Dates-



