Happy Holidays from Jesse Cook
December 24, 2020
Happy Holidays!
This being a crazy year, I wanted to do something special. After the year we’ve all had, we need all the joy and love we can get.
Over the years your support has meant so much to me. And this year, not being able to tour and play music live with you all was a great disappointment. So, since I can’t come to you, I thought I’d record this little holiday ditty, and send it in my place. Hope you like it.
May you have a great year filled with love, joy, and adventure! And hopefully, I’ll see you when this is over….
Oh, and another thing….Sayonara 2020!!
Listen now: “Wednesday Night at Etric’s” feat. Matt Sellick
July 30, 2020
The brand new single from Jesse Cook, “Wednesday Night at Etric’s” is out now!
“Late one night in 1997, I recorded a song of mine at my friend Etric’s hip downtown loft. There was no recording studio, we just set up a few mics and started making music.
23 years later, my friend Matt Sellick convinced me to revive the song. He must have been about 5 years old when it came out. Today I think Matt is one of Canada’s finest flamenco guitarists. I am so proud of the musician he has become.” – Jesse Cook
“I remember learning this tune the summer I turned sixteen, right when I started taking guitar really seriously. It’s a thrill to have this come full circle.”. – Matt Sellick
Watch the video premiere below on July 31st at 12pm ET!
Listen to the new single from Jesse Cook here!
SHAREListen now: The new 2020 Recording of “Tempest 25”
June 25, 2020

“25 years ago, I released this little song called ‘Tempest’ on a record bearing the same name,” Jesse reflects, . “Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine what would follow. At the time, I had no idea it would change my life”
“This new recording of Tempest 25 started as a simple idea,” he explains. “I’d use this pandemic time to record a new version of ‘Tempest’ and see if it would sound different.
“Have I changed as a musician, or as a producer?
“Oddly enough, the process seemed familiar,” he continues. “25 years ago, the original was created with me alone at my house, playing all the instruments because I couldn’t afford to hire musicians. This time, it was me alone because of social distancing.”
“When you write these things, at first, they’re like your kids,” he continues, breaking it down. “You think of them as yours.
“But then they grow up and start to live a life all their own. Other people record them, use them in their own work, or get married to them, live, celebrate, even heal to them.
I owe a huge debt to this little song,” Jesse reflects on Tempest. “It opened the world to me and allowed me to live a life beyond my dreams”
“For that, I am forever grateful.”
Listen to the new “Tempest 25” now!
Jesse Cook’s new video for “One World, One Voice”
May 12, 2020
A few weeks ago, Jesse called on his fans to collaborate on his newest song, “One World, One Voice”. The call resulted in thousands of responses from all over the world.
From Jesse’s Facebook page:
“A couple of weeks ago I made a simple request: I asked if we could sing a song together from all over the world. Initially, I wasn’t sure if any of you would take me up on my offer, so I was completely unprepared for the flood of videos that overwhelmed my inbox.Today I’m proud to share our creation, called “One World One Voice”.
I’ve never been a part of something like this before, or felt so connected to you, my fans. I feel honoured you put your trust in me, and I hope you will be as proud of the results as I am. As we traverse this difficult period, I am inspired by your generosity, your courage, and above all, your beautiful voices.
Please stay healthy, stay safe.
Love Jesse”
Watch the new video below!
Tempest 25 Tour Postponed
March 13, 2020
Due to the unprecedented circumstances surrounding COVID-19, Jesse Cook’s Tempest 25 Tour of Canada this March and April is now postponed.
At this time, we are hoping to reschedule the tour dates for the fall of 2020. We will have news on this very soon. All present ticket holders will be notified as soon as these new dates are officially confirmed and updates will be posted on jessecook.com.
We acknowledge this is a stressful time for everyone, we appreciate your patience and understanding.
Jesse shares, “The safety and well-being for my fans, their families as well as my own team is paramount. In this challenging time, we must now follow the direction of our provincial and federal health officials across Canada to ensure we all get through this in the best possible way. I look forward to getting back on the road and performing across Canada once again .”
SHARE“Working our way through the United States”
January 24, 2020
New photos from Jesse’s Follow the Road Tour through the U.S.!
Reflections in Charlotte Matt taking a picture of Lincoln in a Lincoln, in Raleigh Atlanta (photo by Rich) Atlanta (photo by Rich) Soundcheck in Charlotte (photo by Fethi)
Be sure to follow Jesse’s Facebook page for more updates and photos from the road!
SHARE“HEY!” Music Video out now!
January 10, 2020
“Some people think world music is anthropological field recordings,” Jesse says of the collaboration. “That’s not my vibe…”, says Jesse.
“Global music is the future, (and) I like it loud and bombastic!”
Jesse has swirled together Spanish guitar and Algerian violin and gumbri into an infectious musical mashup with multi-instrumentalist Fethi Nadjem for “HEY!” — a special single released January 10, 2020.
Watch the music video for “HEY!” now!